Rassismus, Migration, Offene Grenzen und Das Schlechte Gewissen der Menschen In den Industrieländern
Woher kommen der Hass? Woher die Angst vor Migration?
Liest man die Kommentare in den Online-Foren durch so kommen vor allem folgende Argumente: 1. Angst um "unsere" so genannte "kulturelle Identität". 2. Wenn da "alle" kommen dann wäre es vorbei mit unserem Sozialstaat. bei 1.) haben wir also den ...
How TTIP, TPP, TISA, CETA and other trade deals should be negotiated
We are not just against any and all trade deals
A lot has been written on what is bad about TTIP, CETA, TISA, TPP, etc. Some people accuse us about being opposed to any trade deal at all. To repute this let us imagine for a moment on how such ...
- Hard Facts about ACTA
So you want a "facts" based discussion about ACTA - here we go
“I want the Parliament to have a facts-based discussion and not a debate around myths. That is why I want to have an open debate with all actors concerned.” -- [David Martin MEP and the new Rapporteur for ACTA in ...
Understanding ACTA
ACTA from a marxist point of view
The opposition against ACTA if finally getting some momentum, but it seems most of the critique focuses on its impact on the internet. While this is an important aspect this is buy no means the only problem with ACTA. In ...
ACTA - How to kill Babies for Fun and Profit
The EU Parlament released a new study about ACTA
The Study (pdf) starts with the following statement: “The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA ) is motivated by the perceived lack of progress of multilateral enforcement of intellectual property rights.” Ok. How to translate that: the “*the perceived lack of progress ...
Wikileaks - The End of the World as We Know it
## So what is it all about? The first thing to realize is that the power of the leaks is not in the individual document. The important message is this: Nothing can be kept a secret anymore. Sooner or later ...
How ACTA kills your job
The Oil of the 21st Century
„Intellectual Property“ is called the „The Oil of the 21st Century“. Workers here are told that strong protection of that the protection of this so called „property“ is necessary for our economy and a means to protect jobs. Nothing could ...- Arguments against ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
- ACTA: Aufruf zum Handelskrieg gegen Entwicklungsländer
Der ACTA Entwurf der EU-Kommission